Today’s episode is, “Risk is Sometimes Overplayed” an interview with the CEO of Richmond Alarm Company, Brian Vanderheyden. Richmond Alarm is a business icon in Richmond for more than 70 years. Welcome to The Authentic Leader Show.
In this interview, you’re gonna hear us talk about:
- The job Brian had at 14 with his twin brother.
- Brian shares how he got into Mergers and Acquisitions and further explains how “Search Funds” work
- Guess not how many businesses Brian looked before selecting Richmond Alarm to purchase.
- Brian goes on a great discussion about his mindset about “risk”.
- We talk about the person who cares about your career more than anyone else and who should take control of your career.
- Brian shares how he uses personality types to study other leaders.
- He shares a common quote that many of us have heard but then explains how hearing that same quote at the right time from the right person in just the right way has changed the trajectory of his professional career.
- Toward the end, Brian ends with some additional powerful quotes that seem to come out of nowhere
- and much, much more.
I have known Brian for a couple of years and he is exactly as he seems in this interview. I feel that I have gotten to know Brian better through this interview and now you get to know him better too.
I feel that I have gotten to know Brian better through this interview and now you get to know him better too.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Glass Lake Capital
- Book: “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss
- Book: “Traction” by Gino Wickman
Connect with Richmond Alarm and Brian:
On Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, or at Richmond Alarm Company.
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I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, remember, be true to yourself and the people you lead by being an Authentic Leader.