This episode is a solo episode and is about: Looking Back, Reflecting and Learning, and Resetting for the Next Episodes.
I enjoy hosting The Authentic Leader Show so that you can learn from the hard-won insights and stories of these high performing leaders. The truth is that I also learn from every interview. Sometimes it seems that my motivation is for my own learning. And, if you “the audience” also learn, well that’s great too.
I have come to realize that if I am getting enjoyment and learn from the interviews, that you will also, enjoy and learn. People who are like me, are the target audience of this podcast. So, if you are enjoying and learning from the podcast episodes, welcome to the club.
In this episode, I share some of what I have learned as a podcast host. As you may or may not know, depending on how you found this podcast, I have a leadership business that coaches and advises people to become the kind of leader people want to follow. In other words, an Authentic Leader.
Through observations and learning as I grew up professionally in Fortune 500 Corporate World Headquarters, as a contract consultant a few years before starting my business, and through my trial and errors (mostly errors) in my leadership career, I share what I have learned about leadership and also how not to lead.
In this podcast I talk about:
- Some of the behind scenes work that I do to produce this podcast, what I have learned and what I have done to improve the quality of this podcast.
- How I get guests to agree to let me interview them.
- What it does for my business to have a podcast.
- What goes into producing this weekly podcast, step-by-step.
- The biggest takeaways and themes from the last 19 episodes.

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I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, remember, be true to yourself and the people you lead by being an Authentic Leader.