I will be talking about one of the 7 disciplines of Authentic Leaders. This episode is about, how to lead yourself so that others want to follow you.
Of all the disciplines, this is one that leaders need to get right. It is the discipline that the other disciplines feed from. Being effective in just one of the principles I’ll discuss today will have an impact on your ability to lead Authentically.
In this episode, I talk about:
- Why being a follower may actually be strategically leading.
- The benefits of having a single notebook with you.
- Why prioritization systems won’t work for you.
- The superpower of following through on commitments that you make to yourself.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Podcast: Read to Lead hosted by Jeff Brown
- Audible
- Moleskine Notebooks
- Full Focus Planner
- Michael Hyatt
- FranklinCovey Planner

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I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, remember, be true to yourself and the people you lead by being an Authentic Leader.