It’s an interview with the CEO and Owner of Technology Assurance Group, Sean Francis. This episode is about: How the leader is simply a role who is also a member of the team.
In cooperation with his entire team at Technology Assurance Group (also known as TAG), Sean Francis lead his team through establishing his business’ core values. Sean identified a need for a tool that his team could use to drive decision making to the team and provide direction for those decisions. I’ve known Sean and worked with him for a number of years and he is a great leader of his team.
This episode is for anyone who needs to empower their team to make critical business decisions.
In this interview, we talk about:
- How a 1980s movie, inspired Sean to ultimately lead his own IT business.
- Why in addition to the business’ vision and mission, why Sean felt that core values were additionally necessary to create with his team.
- Sean also outlines the exact step-by-step approach he followed to develop his business’ core values over many many team meetings.
- Why Sean feels it was important to create an environment for his team to fight for their core values.
- How even though this took some time to create, how Sean ensured the momentum between meetings continued until the team felt that they had the right core values.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Movie: WarGames
- Book: Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, by Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzler
- Book: Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller
Connect with Sean
- Website: TagVA.com
- On LinkedIn: Sean Francis
- On Facebook: Technology Assurance Group, Inc.
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