It’s an interview with host of the Read to Lead Podcast and Founder, Podcaster Academy, it’s Jeff Brown. This episode is about: How Books Are Mentors, You’ve Never Met.
I’ve been following Jeff Brown since his podcast launched in 2013. If you want to know how I designed my format for this podcast, look no further than Jeff Brown’s Read to Lead podcast.
If you are looking for a business or professional development book, Jeff’s podcast is one of the very best places to look. The Read to Lead podcast has remained one of my top podcasts.
In this interview, we talk about:
- Jeff shares how his 26 years in the radio industry have served him well in the podcast space.
- Where Jeff got his title for his Read to Lead podcast
- Jeff packs several book recommendations and you will want to check out the show notes page to see the full list if you don’t take notes while you listen.
- He explains why his podcast is not a book review podcast.
- He even shares a special announcement about a project he has coming in November.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Michael Hyatt
- John Maxwell
- Seth Godin
- Liz Wiseman
- John Lee Dumas
- Book: Purple Cow by Seth Godin
- Podcast: Entrepreneurs on Fire
- Book: Multipliers by Liz Wiseman
- Book: Die Empty, Unleash Your Best Work Every Day by Todd Henry
- Book: Living Forward by Michael Hyatt
- Book: Intentional Living by John Maxwell
Connect with Jeff
- Website: readtoleadpodcast.com
- On LinkedIn: Jeff Brown
- Via email: jeff@readtoleadpodcast.com
- Instagram: @thejeffbrown
- Twitter: Jeff Brown
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