It’s an interview with Business Scaling + Pricing Strategy Consultant for Existing (and Aspiring!) Business Coaches & Consultants, from Klein Consulting it’s my new friend Paul Klein. This episode is about: Seeing Opportunity.
A few episodes ago, (episode 55), John Nemo was on the show. In that episode, John mentioned Paul in an example. After that interview, John went on to suggest that Paul would be ideal for my audience. I checked out Paul’s website, podcast, and services, and could immediately see that I wanted to invite Paul to be on today’s show.
Boy, am I glad I did!
If you are an entrepreneur, owner of a small or even mid-sized business, coach, or consultant, this is a must listen to this episode about confidently pricing your services.
In this interview, we talk about:
- Paul explains how he had a big failure with one of the biggest brands in the world and then the blessings that came afterwards.
- We talk about the obstacles in your mindset when determining your pricing.
- He explains what you may think your clients are buying, but they’re not, and what they are really buying.
- Paul provides amazing detail explaining what he calls the 5 pricing arrangements.
- He also explains three types of retainers and why one of those three are the best to ensure a win for your client and for you.
- Last, we get into a very simple proposal format that creates an opportunity to negotiate without reducing your price.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Authentic Leader Podcast Episode 055 with John Nemo
- Book: Million Dollar Consulting by Allen Weiss
- Book: Implementing Value-Based Pricing by Ron Baker
- Podcast: Pricing is Positioning Podcast with Ron Baker
- Book: Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller
- Podcast: Pricing is Positioning Podcast Episode 3
(this is where you get Paul’s proposal template) - Book: Thall Shalt Prosper by Daniel Lappin
- Book: Superfans by Pat Flynn
- Book: The Business of Enterprise by David C. Baker
Connect with Paul
- Website: www.paulklein.net
- Website: www.pricingispositioning.net
- On LinkedIn: Paul Klein
- On Facebook: Paul Klein
- Instagram: @paulkleintv
- Twitter: Paul Klein
- Youtube: Paul Klein
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I look forward to hearing from you. Until then, remember, you don’t need to be a leader of leaders. Just be the leader others want to follow. Be, an Authentic Leader.