NOTE: Each week this month, I am publishing a series of posts about achieving authentic success. This post is 2 of 5.
How SMART are Your Goals?
Many goals are written in ways that are hard to determine when the goal is achieved. These are weak goals and lack clarity. Without clarity, your chances of failing to achieve these goals significantly increase.
A common formula to create goals is writing them in a way that answers questions raised in the S.M.A.R.T. format.
S Specific or Significant
M Measurable
A Achievable or Actionable or Assignable
R Realistic or Relevant or Results-based
T Time-based or (with a deadline)
Words Matter
Be careful of the words you choose as you write your goals. Non-committal language has a way of succeeding by keeping you from achieving the full potential of your goal, or in other words, falling short.

Have you ever tried to do something but failed? Maybe it is because you only tried and didn’t fully commit to doing the action.
Yoda (from Star Wars) is famous for clarifying, “try not, do or do not, there is no try”.
“Trying is failure with honor.”
– James Arthur Ray
Is there a difference between:
- I am trying to exercise versus I am exercising.
- I am trying to save money versus I am saving money.
- I am trying to make more sales calls versus I am making more sales calls.
- Have you ever tried to skydive? Either you skydive or you don’t.
- Have you ever tried to love someone versus deciding to love them no matter what?
Once you commit go for 100% full of energy. There is a wonderful phenomenon when you commit to do something. The resources arrive once you commit.
Tony Robbins reminds us that you get your “Musts” but not your “Shoulds”. My wife will often remind me when she hears me make excuses about what I should do by saying, “Don’t have a ‘shouldy’ life”.
When you determine what you “must” have or “must” achieve, you will find a way to get it. If you are talking with someone and you lose track of time, you may arrive late for a meeting. But, if that meeting was to tell you the results of a cancer diagnosis, you will find a way to get there.
Creating Your Annual Goals
- Determine the goal buckets from the goal categories where you will create goals.
- Determine 4 to 6 goals.
- Begin drafting your goal statements (while being purposeful with the commitment words you choose). While drafting your goals, answer questions using the S.M.A.R.T. format.
- Soak on your goals and edit over a few days. This will give you clarity.
- Ask for feedback from people you trust and you know will give you helpful suggestions.
- Finalize your goals and fully commit to achieving them.
- Review your goals on a regular basis (somewhere between daily and weekly).
- Mark goals as DONE when complete and replace with a new goal.
More Free Content
This month’s posts are all about creating a plan for achieving authentic success with your best year ever. I have recorded a series social media posts, articles, and videos to go along with these posts.
Below is a link to “Achieving Authentic Success – A New Leader’s Comprehensive Guide” and I am giving to you for free. Click on the link below to download your free copy.
What one goal must you achieve next year?