Today’s episode is, “Anybody can sell somebody something once, but . . .”. There’s more to that and you will hear it today in this week’s episode. Today’s interview is with the President of Stone’s Office Equipment, Sam Stone. Stone’s Office Equipment has been in business for more than 50 years.
In this interview, you’re gonna hear us talk about:
- The early days when the business only cleaned and serviced typewriters. Success in the copier business didn’t happen until much later.
- Sam shares what “Service First” means in the business.
- He speaks to why the business has a reputation for having employees with a long tenure.
- Sam shares some encouraging news about what procrastination does for you. Spoiler alert: It’s a little funny and clever.
- He shares two of Norman Schwarzkopf’s rule of leadership. After doing some research, I’m not sure the rule numbers are exactly right but they are definitely two of General Schwarzkopf’s rules and they are very good.
- Sam also shares what he learned from his father’s leadership.
- We talk about the importance of communication and how miscommunication happens and how to fix it.
- And we discuss one of the most important attributes you must have in sales.
- and much, much more.
I’ve known Sam for a few years and we even did some work together. I enjoy every time we sit down to talk.
I hope that you will enjoy this conversation as much as I have.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Royal Typewriter Company
- General Norman Schwarzkopf
- Fahrenheit Advisors
- Book: “Good to Great” by Jim Collins
- Book: “It’s Not the BIG that
Eat the SMALL . . . It’s the FAST thatEat the SLOW” by Jason Jennings
Connect with Stone’s Office Equipment and Sam:
On Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or at Stone’s Office Equipment
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