In this episode, I’m going to talk about one of the 7 disciplines of Authentic Leaders. Of all the disciplines, this is one that I find that leaders struggle with the most. But, it is probably one of the most important disciplines in order to lead a healthy and effective team. What I discuss today will have an impact on your ability to lead Authentically.
In this episode, I talk about:
- How, if you lead a team, you are already delegating whether you mean to or not.
- The delegation evolution with your team.
- I’ll outline each of the four phases of delegation.
- What single determinant causes you to move to the next phase of delegation.
- Stories of struggles my leader clients have had when delegating to their team.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Podcast Episode: Leadership, Stewardship, and Trust with Co-Founder and CEO of BELAY, Bryan Miles

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I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, remember, you don’t need to be a leader of leaders. Just be the leader others want to follow. Be, an Authentic Leader.