It’s an interview with TEDx storyteller, author, and owner of the popular Emotionally Naked blog, it’s Anne Moss Rogers. This episode is about: Being Transparent as You Share How You Are Solving Problems.
Anne Moss has had a long career in marketing and even co-owned a marketing firm that was ultimately sold.
I’ve known Anne Moss for a number of years. Soon after we first met, her son died by suicide. Anne Moss has since then dedicated her life to helping others deal with suicide, suicide prevention, as well as depression and addiction.
This is a topic very few people want to talk about, but Anne Moss has been leading the way boldly talking about what other people won’t talk about. There are parallels to leadership in this conversation that at first I challenge you to find. But as the conversation progresses, you will hear both of us speak about the parallels to leadership more directly.
In this interview, we talk about:
- Anne Moss’ perspective about how to say congratulations to someone who has written a book about her son’s death.
- Why she choose to write this book without editing all the ugly stuff just to make it more palpable.
- Anne Moss shares a story early in her journey about a girl named Lauren and the personal impact one of Anne Moss’ posts had on her and her family.
- What being transparent as a parent or a leader does when you openly share how you are solving problems.
- How Anne Moss ended up being an accidental leader and what all leaders must do to “own it”. There is a buffalo story here.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Fountain Book Store
- Article: In My Shoes: Honoring son who died by suicide is not the end of my story (Anne Moss’ Newspaper Article That Went Viral)
- Blog: The Final 48 Hours
- Book: DIARY OF A BROKEN MIND: A Mother’s Story, a Son’s Suicide, and the Haunting Lyrics He Left Behind by Anne Moss Rogers and Charles Rogers
- Book: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
- Book: Slay Like a Mother: How to Destroy What’s Holding You Back So You Can Live the Life You Want by Katherine Wintsch
Connect with Anne Moss
- On LinkedIn: Anne Moss Rogers
- On Instagram: Anne Moss Rogers
- On Facebook: Anne Moss Rogers
- On Twitter: @annemossrogers
- On YouTube: Anne Moss Rogers
- TEDx Talk: TEDx GraceStreet Women
- Resource pages: grief, suicide, addiction, mental illness
- Blog: EmotionallyNaked.com
- Website: AnneMoss.com

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I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, remember, you don’t need to be a leader of leaders. Just be the leader others want to follow. Be, an Authentic Leader.