It’s an interview with the President of Signature Teambuilding and Challenge Discovery, it’s Greg Huber. This episode is about: Confidently Shifting Your Approach in Changing Times.
Today’s episode is an example of a great story of a business who shifted quickly in response to our new business environment. You can only imagine what work-from-home and social distancing means to a business that relies on getting groups of people together for group experiences.
Signature Teambuilding pivoted in an amazing way and is a lesson other organizations to learn from. Greg Huber and I were introduced to each other at a local conference (thanks Natalie). I liked Greg immediately and I am so glad he agreed to be on today’s show.
In this interview, we talk about:
- Greg explains what experiential learning is.
- He’s got a great story about a breakthrough moment of a participant in one of Greg’s programs who had negative expectations.
- How Greg and his team strategically determined how needed to pivot to virtual team building while maintaining their reputation for the high caliber programs that they have built over decades.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Book: Shackleton’s Way: Leadership Lessons from the Great Antarctic Explorer
- Book: The Outward Mindset: Seeing Beyond Ourselves
- Book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Connect with Greg
- LinkedIn: Greg Huber
- Website: ChallengeDiscovery.com
- Website: SignatureTeambuilding.com
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