It’s an interview with Emergency Room Physician, sought after National TV Expert, Bestselling Author, and, Digital Health Strategist, it’s Dr. Darria Long. This episode is about: Eradicating “Crazy Busy” From Your Life to reduce “Overwhelm”.
Today’s episode by way of a suggestion from a past podcast guest, Olympic Speed Skater, John Coyle. Dr. Darria Long is not only an ER doctor but also a national health expert on CNN, FoxNews, CNBC, and the Dr. Oz Show.
This is an amazing interview that I think everyone listening will take away some valuable insights. As you will hear, she focuses on science and evidence-based information to her audiences. As a TEDx speaker, Dr. Darria knows how to provide valuable insights.
In this interview, we talk about:
- Dr. Darria and I talk about the badge-of-honor that some people wear when bragging about the stress they are under, and then she explains her goal to eradicate the phrase “crazy busy”.
- She’s got a great way of explaining how even in the midst of chaos (like in an emergency room) how anyone can be ready for “whatever comes in”.
- We also talk about triaging priorities into three colors, how we sometimes prioritize everything to one color, and then I ask her about the fourth color (which is dark but an important reality).
- She additionally provides real tips for handling COVID-19 risks with her 4-D framework, as we go out in public.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- TEDTalk: An ER doctor on how to triage your busy life
- Book: Mom Hacks by Dr. Darria Long
- Article: Dr. Darria’s 4D Framework: As Cities Move Toward Reopening, How to Manage Risks
- Instagram Video: Being High Maintenance
- Book: Thinking Fast and Slow
- Book: The Secret Life of Bees
- Book: The Choice
Connect with Dr. Darria
- LinkedIn: Darria Long Gillespie
- Instagram: @DrDarria
- Website: DrDarria.com
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