Part of the 7 Disciplines of Authentic Leaders framework is self-leadership. A big part of leading myself is continuous learning and books are a terrific source to do just that.
One of my favorite quotes is from Charlie “Tremendous” Jones (no relation). His quote is, “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”
I’ve struggled with reading my entire life, but it hasn’t kept me from experiencing the benefit of reading. I like saying, “I don’t like reading, but I like having read”. It’s kind of like exercise. You may not like exercising, but boy does it feel good afterward.
In today’s episode, I share the books I recommend to other people more than any others. If someone asks for my advice or asks for a good book to read, these are the books I recommend most.
Books I will share with you include, books about:
- Leadership and management
- Personal productivity
- Personal effectiveness
- Dealing with conflict
- Managing the financials in your business
- Removing obstacles and limiting beliefs
- Establishing routines and habits
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- List of Books from Guests of The Authentic Leader Show podcast: https://www.authenticsuccessonline.com/Books
Connect with Christopher
- Facebook Community: Authentic Success Group
- Facebook Page: @authenticleadernow
- LinkedIn Page: IAmChristopherJones
- Website: AuthenticSuccessOnline.com
Thank you for listening to The Authentic Leader Show Podcast.
I look forward to hearing from you. Until then, remember, you don’t need to be a leader of leaders. Just be the leader others want to follow. Be, an Authentic Leader.