You may wonder why I call you an Authentic Leader. Well, today I’m going to explain why I call you an Authentic Leader.

I know that you are a frustrated leader if you are doing one of these three things:

  1. Spending a lot of time giving constructive feedback to your team for the poor work that they have done.
  2. Feeling like the bottleneck of your team because you need to make all of the team decisions.
  3. Spending an inordinate amount of energy (maybe reading books, listening to podcasts, wracking your brain) trying to figure out what motivates your team to perform better.

And because you are doing one of these three things, I know that you are:

  1. Defending your team’s work to your boss, your clients, or other stakeholders because the work is late, incomplete, incorrect.
  2. Struggling with making decisions or trusting your team to make decisions.
  3. Frustrated with a team that you inherited or you have hired a poor worker or maybe you disagree with how a team member gets their work done.

If you have been defending your team’s work for more than 3 months, then you are spending too much time giving feedback on poor performance.

Just so you know, inside of the Authentic Leader Framework, I have 7 disciplines. When you master all 7, you will see huge results.

We don’t have time to give you all 7 today, so I am going to give you the most powerful one that I use now. It’s so powerful, you can implement it today, and see results tomorrow.

  • I am about to show you how to reduce the amount of feedback you are giving your team while improving the results they produce.
  • Here are the mistakes that most people make: leaders sound like they are making excuses for their team and their reputation as the leader of the team continues to erode.
  • The problem of doing that eventually, the leader’s reputation as the leader of the team begins to erode, their team stops respecting them, and their influence with the team and others outside of the team diminishes.
  • I have a number of ways of doing this, and inside of the Authentic Leader Framework, we have all of them covered.
  • I’m going to give you the best/most powerful one because it is one of the easiest and quickest. And with this, you can implement it today and see results by tomorrow.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

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