Reports say that 80% (or more) of your time as a leader can be taken up dealing with a low-performing team member. It can be frustrating and in fact, I’ve been called many times by leaders who have had enough
Don’t Fire Your Low Performer

Reports say that 80% (or more) of your time as a leader can be taken up dealing with a low-performing team member. It can be frustrating and in fact, I’ve been called many times by leaders who have had enough
Today, we are talking about Why Feedback Isn’t Working. This is one of the 7 Disciplines of Authentic Leaders framework that I informally created for myself in my corporate days, but is what I share with Leaders of Technology Teams.
It’s an interview with the Founder/CEO of Weaving Influence, an online influence building firm for authors and thought leaders it’s Becky Robinson. This episode is about: “Holding On To The Vision Of What’s Possible While Dealing With The Reality of What’s In Front Us.” Today’s
It’s an interview with Marketing and Sales Strategist it’s my friend Stephen Moegling. This episode is about: Understanding Your Audience’s Mindset. About a year-and-a-half ago, I finally had it with my website. I almost avoided directing people to my website because I didn’t think it represented
Performance Frustration It’s not uncommon for managers to be frustrated with performance on their team. In some cases, managers can quickly decide to get rid of someone on their team who is not performing. But Wait A Minute! If you are
Let Me Tell You A Story A coaching assignment I had early in my leadership consulting career, was working with a leader at a nuclear plant. At one of our first meetings, the leader said to me, “the initial tools
Which Employees Get Your Attention? I was recently asked by a department leader about how he spends his time with his employees. He was frustrated with the amount of time he was spending with disengaged employees. He said, “disengaged employees