In this edition of the Authentic Leader™ Update:
- Invited as a Guest Blogger
- My Guest Appearance on the Critical Mass Radio Show
- The Authentic Friday Focus Collection
- The Authentic Leader Show Podcast; Episodes You Don’t Want to Miss
- Free Video Course For You
My Guest Blog Post
I had the honor of being invited to be a guest blogger from my friends at InnerWill. InnerWill is an example of an organization that helps our shared industry of Executive, Leadership, and Professional Development to excel. You can check out my recent posts on InnerWill’s blog here:
From Entitled to Authentic – Parts I and II
My Guest Appearance on the Critical Mass Radio Show
I also had the honor of being invited as a guest on The Critical Mass Radio Show. In this interview, I talk about my transition from Corporate America to launching my own business, why I created Authentic Leader, and what it means to be an Authentic Leader. You can check out this episode here:
Episode 1207 – Critical Mass Radio Show
The Authentic Friday Focus Collection
Last quarter, I started publishing a weekly video on some leadership topic that I’m calling Authentic Friday Focus. It’s intended to give you something to think about over the weekend. And, don’t worry if you are at work or in a place that you can turn up the volume. I’ve added closed caption so that you can read if you can’t listen.
These are published each Friday on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. You can watch the collection of all the past videos here.
The Authentic Leader Show Podcast;
Episodes You Don’t Want to Miss
The Authentic Leader Show has really taken off more than expected. I’m so grateful for the guests who have agreed to be interviewed on the show.
This past quarter, I began periodically inserting some of the leader topics that I share with my leader clients. Here are some podcast episodes, I think you will enjoy.
Leader Topics:
Authentic Interviews
- Live Your Bold with World Record Holder, Will Turner
- Leadership, Stewardship, and Trust with Co-Founder and CEO of BELAY, Bryan Miles
- The Critical Importance of Trust When Earning Your Right To Lead with The Better Business Bureau of Central Virginia, Barry Moore
- Dream to Do with keynote speaker and Certified Speaking Professional, Kent Julian
- Designing an Intentional Culture with President and CEO, PartnerMD, Zack Smith
- Respecting Other Team Members’ Time with Agent, and Producer and Performer, Jack Shannon
- Recovering From The Unintended Consequences of Bad Decisions with Author, Executive Forums Facilitator, and Speaker, Ric Franzi
Free Video Course
I created a free course for you called “Say This, NOT That”. As a leader, you know the power of words. And, in my free course, I’m sharing 5 powerful scenarios in which your words can work for or against your ability to lead authentically.
To get the free course, just go to ChristopherRJones.com/SayThis