It’s an interview with CEO of Sklar Technology Partners, it’s Randy Sklar. This episode is about: “Making Decisions By Separating Yourself and Thinking Like A Business Would”.
Today’s guest is Randy Sklar. I’ve known Randy from a distance for a number of years and we’ve even spoken a few times. I’ve been watching his recent Facebook interviews and thought, I should have him on the show. And, I just wanted to get to know Randy better.
So this episode is me just asking Randy some questions, as I do with people who I want to learn from. You get to listen in on our conversation.
In this interview, we talk about:
- I ask Randy, why he felt the need to include the word “partners” in his company name Sklar Technology Partners which is when he told his dad (the founder) he was changing the company name.
- How Randy has led his business through 3 recessions.
- How and why the business does not trade time for dollars.
- Why Randy doesn’t talk with his prospects or clients about technology, and what he talks to them about instead.
- Randy also talks about how and why he treats the business like it’s another person.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Podcast: The Authentic Leader Show with Paul Klein #59
- Link: Randy’s 7 steps to help people fix their password problems
- Book: The House & the Cloud by David Stelzl
- Book: Storybrand by Donald Miller
- Book: Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish
- Book: Scaling Up by Verne Harnish
- Book: The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes
Connect with Randy
Website: SklarTechnology.com LinkedIn: Randy Sklar |
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