It’s an interview with Founder Crucible Leadership and media empire heir that lost a multi-billion-dollar public takeover bid it’s Warwick Fairfax. This episode is about: “Using a Crucible Event to Emerge from a Mega Financial and Business Failure.”
Today’s guest is Warwick Fairfax. Once again, today’s guest was introduced to me by my friend Keri Childers.
Warwick is an interesting leader because of his large financial failure. Right at the beginning of this interview, we talk about his multi-billion-dollar failure.
In this interview, we talk about:
- Warwick explains how even with his Oxford degree and Harvard Business School education, in addition to experience on Wall Street, he still was destined for failure.
- How filling a role that wasn’t him helped him discover why authenticity is one of his highest values now.
- Warwick gives advice for family businesses to consider to help make family members successful in the business.
- How to build self-confidence when you have lost your self-confidence.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Book: Good to Great by Jim Collins
- Book: The Millennial Whisperer by Chris Tuff
- Book: Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin
- Book: Forged in Crisis by Nancy Koehn
Connect with Warwick
- Website: CrucibleLeadership.com
- LinkedIn: Warwick Fairfax
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